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Terms & Conditions



1.1 Unless expressly and in writing otherwise agreed, these Online Sales Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "sales terms" or "terms") apply to and form an integral part of all online offers, orders, and sales agreements made or concluded through the websites, mobile applications, software, and other online products and services of Miniem Concerts (the "Online Services").


1.2 Miniem Concerts reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. All changes will be published online. By continuing to use the Online Services after the modified terms have been published online, you (hereinafter referred to as "you," "viewer," "supporter," or "participant") will be deemed to have implicitly accepted the amended terms.




2.1 By placing an order to purchase one or more digital e-tickets/tickets, every viewer or participant accepts:

  • Compliance with legal provisions regarding event safety.

  • Familiarity with and acceptance of Miniem Concerts' general terms and privacy policy. The general terms and privacy policy can be found on Miniem Concerts' website.


2.2 Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, an e-ticket does not need to be printed. Upon entry, each e-ticket will be scanned. In the absence of an e-ticket, the visitor or participant will not be able to attend the event. Only the original e-ticket holder will be granted access to the event. Displaying an already scanned e-ticket will result in denial of entry to the event.


To enable control against unlawful use, the e-ticket is equipped with a unique barcode that is scanned at the entrance. The e-ticket is not valid without the barcode. Any modification, deletion of text, or rendering a mention illegible will render the e-ticket void.


2.3 Except with the written permission of Miniem Concerts as the organizer, any use of the name or logo/brands of Miniem Concerts and its partners or of the event is strictly prohibited.


2.4 The visitor or participant acknowledges and accepts that during photo, film, or TV recordings, they may be captured on camera. By participating in the event, the viewer or participant waives their portrait rights and expressly agrees to the processing of these images by Miniem Concerts and the publication of these images in Miniem Concerts' communications (e.g., social media, website, posters, etc.).


The viewer acknowledges and accepts the presence of surveillance cameras that may record them and whose images may be viewed and used by the relevant authorities in case of incidents for security reasons.


2.5 Reselling tickets on the so-called black market for profit is not allowed.

Miniem Concerts cannot be held liable in any case for the refund or any compensation for e-tickets/tickets that have been resold/distributed and may have been blocked.


2.6 E-tickets/tickets may not under any circumstances be used for commercial purposes, raffles, contests, etc.


2.7 The viewer or participant remains solely responsible for their e-ticket(s)/ticket(s). In case of loss or theft, they will bear the sole responsibility, and in no case may they request a refund or compensation.


2.8 The viewer or participant remains solely responsible for their personal belongings. In case of loss or theft, they will bear the sole responsibility, and the organization cannot be held liable in any case.





By placing your order for one or more e-tickets via the site, you are making a binding offer to purchase them. By placing an order through the Online Services, you also expressly agree to the full sales terms and guidelines applicable at the time of placing your order and to the sales terms and guidelines of any third parties with whom Miniem Concerts collaborates. You are solely responsible for reading the applicable sales terms and guidelines before placing your order.


Once the payment has been successfully registered, the order will be completed and confirmed via email. The e-tickets can be downloaded via email.


Your e-ticket grants you access to the event.


It is your responsibility to ensure that the e-tickets comply with and match your order.


If you discover an error in your order after it has been placed, please contact immediately by email.



3.2.1 Miniem Concerts reserves the right to accept or reject an order. In the event of refusal to sell, Miniem Concerts will immediately contact you and refund the amount you have already paid, deducting an administration fee estimated at 5% of the total order cost, within 30 days following the event.


3.2.2 Once purchased, tickets cannot be canceled, returned, or exchanged unless explicitly stated in the case of an event cancellation or change by the organizer.



3.3.1 Modification

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program, artists, location, date, or other aspects of the event. In the case of changes affecting the ticket, the organizer will make reasonable efforts to inform the buyer.


3.3.2 Postponement

An event is considered postponed if, for any reason, it cannot take place on the originally scheduled date and is postponed to another date before the event's time.


In the event of a postponement, Miniem Concerts reserves the right to refund already purchased tickets.


3.3.3 Cancellation

An event is considered canceled if, for any reason, it cannot take place on the originally scheduled date and is not postponed to a later date.


In case of cancellation, the person who placed the order and purchased the e-tickets will be entitled to a refund of the purchase value of the ordered e-ticket(s), deducting an administration fee estimated at 5% of the total order cost.


3.3.4 Termination

An event is considered terminated if the event indeed began on the scheduled date and time but, for any reason, is ended. In case of event termination, there is no right to a refund of the purchased e-tickets.



3.4.1 The registered buyer, the transferee, and every holder of the ticket are jointly and severally liable with the ultimate ticket holder for any damage caused by the latter to the venues/facilities.


Except in cases of statutory strict liability, Miniem Concerts disclaims any civil liability for accidents during the event, except in cases of gross negligence.


3.4.2 Miniem Concerts pays great attention to the information provided through the Online Services but cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information in any way. The information provided via or related to the Online Services is of a general nature, is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, and cannot be considered as personal, professional, or legal advice to the user. Miniem Concerts cannot be held liable for any damages, of any kind, resulting from actions and/or decisions based on such information and/or the use of documents or arising in any way from the use of the Online Services.


3.4.3 Miniem Concerts provides no warranty regarding the proper functioning of the Online Services and cannot be held liable in any way for any malfunction or temporary (un)availability of the Online Services or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, resulting from access to or use of the Online Services.


3.4.4 In no event shall Miniem Concerts be liable to anyone, in any direct or indirect, special, or other way, for any damages due to the use of the Online Services, including but not limited to all losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, equipment, software, or other of the user.


3.4.5 The Online Services may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites or pages or indirectly refer to them. Placing links to these websites or pages does not imply any implicit approval of their content in any way. Miniem Concerts expressly declares that it has no control over the content or other characteristics of these websites or pages and cannot be held liable for their content or characteristics or for any other form of damage resulting from their use.


3.4.6 Miniem Concerts undertakes to perform its obligations under these sales terms with reasonable care and skill. However, Miniem Concerts has no obligation to achieve any specific result, including with regard to the organization of the event itself.


The total liability of Miniem Concerts for the sale of e-tickets and the organization of the event is always limited to the amount of the price paid by the viewer or participant to Miniem Concerts for the e-tickets and in any case to a maximum of 100.00 euros per damage event.


3.4.7 These limitations of liability of Miniem Concerts as mentioned above apply both to any liability expressly provided for in these terms and to all liability arising from the invalidity or unenforceability of any other clause in these terms.



Miniem Concerts will perform its obligations under these terms with care and skill. We attach great importance to the satisfaction of our viewers or participants.


Complaints regarding the order and payment of tickets should be addressed to the ticket manager ( within eight days of the event or incident on which the complaint or dispute is based.



Miniem Concerts cannot be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of an agreement due to an external cause beyond Miniem Concerts' control, including but not limited to all forms of force majeure, actions by third parties (including but not limited to hackers, suppliers, government, quasi-autonomous non-governmental authorities, supranational, federal, regional, provincial, or local authorities), riots, civil unrest, war, hostilities, military operations, national disasters, terrorism, terrorist threats, piracy, arrests, coercion exercised by a competent authority, strikes and/or lockouts, epidemics, fire, explosion, storm, flood, drought, extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, natural disasters, accidents, mechanical defects, third-party software, failures or problems with public utilities (including electricity, telecommunications, or the internet, regardless of whether the circumstances in question could have been foreseen).



The provisions of our General Terms and our privacy policy are an integral part of these Sales Terms. The viewer must expressly agree to the Sales Terms, including the General Terms and the privacy policy.



All acts and commitments to which these terms apply are governed by Belgian law.


For all disputes that may arise in connection with these terms or the Online Services to which they apply or access to and use of the website, the courts of Ghent shall have exclusive jurisdiction.



The holder of the e-ticket/ticket, by purchasing the e-ticket/ticket and attending the event, agrees with any additional measures imposed by the Government or Miniem Concerts, decided in the event of a pandemic or any other circumstance where additional measures are deemed useful or necessary.


Such measures will always be mentioned and available on Miniem Concerts' website.



If any clause in these terms becomes or is declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other whole or partial clause in these terms.


Nothing in these terms shall create a partnership, agency, or employer-employee relationship between you and us, or be deemed as such.


No person who is not a party to these terms can acquire rights or enforce any provision in these terms, even if such person relies on such provision or has indicated agreement with any provision in these terms.

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